The Most Amazing Job Site You Will Ever Experience:
Be Part of an Epic Mission That Seeks Out Every Job in the World!
- Thousands of websites in one website
- Every job we can find in the world
- See millions of hours of research
- Your job search and life is about to change forever
- Get job interviews more quickly than any other website.
- Get an increase in salary (many of our members have doubled and even tripled their salaries).
- Get a job in a company, firm, etc. with a group of people you enjoy working with.
- Get a job with an organization with a future.
- Get you (and not the economy, your employer, etc.) in control of your career.
- Get you and your family the security you need.
Do these claims sound preposterous and hard to believe? If I was reading this I would think this. But these are not untrue statements. Allow me to explain how I can make such grand representations about EmploymentCrossing, the most powerful job search tool in the world..
"It's Like Putting a Jet Engine from a 747 on a Bicycle..."
EmploymentCrossing is a job-aggregation service, and it is not free to belong to it. That's right, EmploymentCrossing is not free. Why is EmploymentCrossing not free like other websites? It is not free because we do something no other website out there does: We work for you, the job seeker, and go out and find every single job we can in the market.
Other job sites have an ass backward strategy of charging employers hundreds of dollars to post jobs on their site and this keeps jobs out. We want jobs in! We do everything within our power to put jobs in.
We have a database that cost us more than $20 million to develop and hundreds of employees who work on this database finding jobs for you seven days a week and 24 hours a day. All we do is research jobs.
There is really no comparison to EmploymentCrossing because there is nothing else out there like us. We do not advertise and we do not spend money publicizing our site—primarily because all of our effort and money goes into finding jobs for you. We are a research company and work to find jobs for job seekers.
In a nutshell here is what we do:
- We visit every single employer website out there we can find and then make sure the jobs we find on these sites are posted on our site.
- We visit every other job board we can find out there and take those jobs and put them on our site.
- We do not charge employers to post jobs on our site because that would keep jobs out (Monster, CareerBuilder, HotJobs and others, all charge to post jobs on their site).
- We post every job from every newspaper and other sources out there we can find on our site.
We are not a public job board and not something you will see advertised on television. We believe we are a "repository" of information—much like a library, for example.
Who Uses EmploymentCrossing?
EmploymentCrossing exists for job seekers and not employers. We are a site that is used by many of the most accomplished people in the world to find jobs. These people include the
- graduates of the best schools of the United States,
- some of the highest paid people in the world, and
- lots of "average" people like you and me.
Why Does EmploymentCrossing Cost Money? I Have Heard That You Should Never Pay to Look for a Job.
We receive testimonials from people on a daily basis whose lives have been changed by EmploymentCrossing — multiple job offers, jobs within days of signing up, changed lives — you name it. EmploymentCrossing has been incredibly transformative for the careers and lives of thousands of people because what we do is, quite simply, different than anything out there.
It costs us a lot of money to track down the jobs we do on EmploymentCrossing. We have millions of dollars worth of servers alone scouring the Internet for you. We have invested tens of millions of dollars in research to bring you the jobs we do. The $39.95 we charge per month gets you access to all of our research and pays for training, computers, office overhead, and a whole lot more.
EmploymentCrossing is the bargain of the century, if you ask me. Being an EmploymentCrossing member is like having your own private army of researchers and millions of dollars of research going on for you that costs you pennies.
Because EmploymentCrossing costs money to join, the vast majority of people will not join. Why? We're not sure but the main reason we hear over and over again is that there are a lot of shady people out there who will charge people to get a job and then not deliver.
First of all, we are a division of Employment Research Institute and are one of the largest career companies in the world. We are not "shady" by any stretch of imagination.
Secondly, we are not charging you to get a job on EmploymentCrossing. We are providing you with research to use to get a job. This is a big distinction and one that a lot of people don't understand. We are providing knowledge.
Third, a major value of EmploymentCrossing also lies in the fact that we are exclusive. Anyone with an Internet connection can search most job boards, for example. People who join EmploymentCrossing are serious about their job searches and knowing the most about the market. They are part of an exclusive group of job seekers who are aware of every job in the market that we can find.
When you use EmploymentCrossing you are going to be "head over heels" beyond your competitors.
When You Use EmploymentCrossing You Are Getting Access to a "Treasure Trove of Jobs" That Very Few People Know About.
Because EmploymentCrossing is so exclusive, the employers whose jobs we locate also get fewer applications. For example, hundreds of thousands of the jobs on EmploymentCrossing come directly from employer websites. The employers post their jobs on their websites and they sit there for months with no applications—until our members find them. This makes a major difference in the effectiveness of your job search. When you apply to jobs that are getting fewer applications, you are more likely to get the job. Much, much more likely.
Using EmploymentCrossing is like giving yourself several times as many options as you might otherwise have.
Ordinary Sites Have Only the Jobs Employers Are Paying Hundreds of Dollars to Post. If you go to an ordinary job site, you will likely find only a limited number of jobs posted by employers who are paying to advertise their jobs on the site. You would also likely find a ton of recruiter jobs. (Most jobs on most employer sites are recruiter jobs.)
EmploymentCrossing Contains Every Job It Can Find. When you go to EmploymentCrossing, you have access to every job in the market that our researchers can find. This is a huge advantage. This is something that can change your life. EmploymentCrossing can mean the difference between getting 10 job offers and getting none.
Can I Do the Work EmploymentCrossing Does on My Own?
Many people believe they can do the work we do at EmploymentCrossing on their own. We monitor more than 250,000 corporate websites searching for jobs. This is a ridiculous number of websites, and the work we do is monumental in scale; nothing like this has ever been done or even attempted before in history.
We estimate it would take you several hundred years to do the work manually that our technology is able to accomplish for you each day. If you have several hundred years to search out job boards then we recommend you not be part of our website.
You would not believe how many companies there are out there posting their jobs on their corporate websites and not other job boards and not in newspapers and not with recruiters. Collectively, we spend more than tens of thousands of man hours per week finding jobs.
Experts all around each of us are defending the status quo. Experts in all fields of knowledge are guardians of the status quo. Whatever differs from what they currently believe in terms of how something is done or should be done is immediately dismissed as a lie or impossible.
The reasoning goes like this: "Why should I listen to this or look into this? I know absolutely everything there is to know about getting a job, and therefore, anything that conflicts with my beliefs must not be true." This sort of reasoning is ridiculous and prevents new insights from emerging.
The few people who have gone against the status quo and have tried EmploymentCrossing have been amazed. You will be, too—EmploymentCrossing can change you and your family's life.
We urge you to think outside of the box and give EmploymentCrossing a try. I am sure there are some things you did in the past that were slightly risky and that those were the best risks you ever took.
There is no risk to using EmploymentCrossing. We want you to try the site for free for three days. EmploymentCrossing is going to change your life forever.
Sign up for EmploymentCrossing today!
Sign Up Now
Harrison Barnes