The best resources for anyone looking for a job are just the ordinary common people you meet everyday like your shopkeeper, friends, or even your neighbors at home. One can also improve their network by being more outgoing and friendly to people met daily, be it at the barber shop, the doctor’s office, or even at the grocery store. It’s also a good idea to attend trade fairs, especially professional ones. These meetings improve and expand your network significantly which eventually improves your chances of finding an opening somewhere for a job.
Finding a new job is never easy, which is why networking is considered to be the best and surest way to secure a job quickly. Though most companies advertise their jobs, they always prefer hiring those that have been recommended to them by their employees. This explains why one should go out there, meet new people, become acquainted and let them know that you are looking for a job. To network effectively, one is expected to relate to and effectively communicate to all those people they know and to introduce them to those that are unknown. Also, one has to remember that networking is a give-and-take exercise.
Everybody involved in it should benefit in one way or another. Otherwise the whole process loses meaning and won’t be able to sustain itself. The other best tool for networking is the internet, though it could be a bit tricky. Since using the internet does not involve meeting face to face, it’s hard to verify the information given by the parties on either side. One has to only rely on mere words.
That aside, the internet can also be a very good tool for relating to a large number of people through different forums online discussing many different topics. The internet also makes it easier for those meeting for the first time before meeting face to face. Networking online involves the use of web forums, mailing lists, chat rooms, and social networking websites. More professionals use the internet for networking. Therefore, those looking for jobs can really benefit from these discussions.
The participants have to be people you have listened to or participated with in any of the discussion forums and they meet your personal approval. Then come up with a well written professional letter addressed to them. The first task is always to identify yourself to the person you are contacting, then state the reason why you had to make contact with them. Also important is to state the similarities you have with them and how it relates to their profession. When trying to create a relationship, it’s always good not to start by sending your resume the first time. Since the relationship is intended to be long term, make a slow but steady approach. Let it mature to a certain level where the contact might be the one to ask for your resume, or you asking whether it’s okay to make one available to them. It’s also good to give an alternative of how you can be contacted either by phone or email.
There are official and non-official networks for every group. Networks help people to stop feeling alone and overcome problems on their own. Hence, the sooner you start creating your network, the better for your career progress. It’s good to keep your eyes open for any networking opportunities all the time, whether you have a job or not. It’s important to exercise precaution with who you choose to network. You could be getting close to a trouble maker who might end up ruining your chances of getting a job just by of association. It’s also good to cast your net wider, and don’t limit yourself to race or gender. Establishing a wider network gives you more options and hence better chances of succeeding.