Traditionally, in executive assistant jobs, primary functions were limited to handling correspondence, managing office, helping in work scheduling, and occasional visitor interaction. However, the demands of current executive assistant jobs include professional functions like task scheduling, task delegation, work appropriation, and other functions that have been made easy by the computer and relevant software, and no more need the attention of specialists. Thus, today, it is common for people in executive assistant jobs to handle functions, which in yesteryear's would have required managerial interaction.
Executive assistant job description: What is commonly required of an executive assistant?
Executive assistant jobs usually require shouldering the following common responsibilities:
- Subject or topic research
- Management of clerical staff
- Vendor negotiations
- Budget management and assisting in budget preparation for projects
- Management of databases
- Maintenance and upkeep of websites
- Overseeing purchase of products and services
- Bookkeeping
- Development and presentation of project reports
- Arranging conference schedule and other logistics
- Delegating work
- Verifying completion of legal formalities
Executive assistant jobs: What's the real scene?
According to BLS, executive assistant jobs belong to a category with the largest number of job openings. Computer proficiency and familiarity with specialized occupation relevant software has become a must. Executive assistants are required to handle functions today that were previously reserved only for managerial staff.
Executive assistant find jobs in most organizations including small business, schools, hospitals, government, law firms, and other offices. Recently, with the growth of information technology, executive assistants have also started working from remote locations, and the virtual assistant, or freelancing executive secretary who supports multiple clients is a new phenomenon finding acceptance in the industry.
Majority of executive assistant job descriptions, as advertised, include full-time employment and 40-hour weeks spent mostly within office and at desks. Including all designations like secretaries and assistants, there were 4.3 million executive assistant jobs in 2008. The occupation has a predicted job growth of 9% through 2018 and median salary ranges between $23, 160 and $ 36, 020. Toppers in the profession earned a median salary close to $45,000.
Executive assistant jobs may be the right fit for you as executive assistant job descriptions have increased in scope and include both in-house work as well as remote freelancing or telecommuting.