Don't be weak during the time of being bullied:
If you are an employee of a small or big company and have workplaces issues, then you should not be weak during the time of being bullied. Weakness is what will encourage bulling. According to this, you should not cry or show your weakness in front your boss or workers. Do not offer a chance to put yourself above other employees when handling situations so that they cannot pass judgments. When somebody says something bad about you or your behavior, then it is your duty to say something, do not keep it to yourself. Make sure your doing this in the best possible manner.
Should you stay or go with the bullying situation:
If you have faced a bullying situation, then you should not have to stay with the situation. Instead create a supreme plan to handle the situation in a simple manner. Most of the experts are offering their suggestions; this helps everyone handle the workplace bullies. Sometimes even after coming forward about the bullying problem companies don't take it seriously and do not solve the problem. This leads to many employees looking to find a new job or a new workplace.
Employees should have to access the company environment:
If you are an employee in a small office, then you should have to access the atmosphere and be able to establish yourself. Most of the time you can find many employees afraid or feel uncomfortable during the work time at the company. You have the right to feel welcome in your workplace environment, and do whatever is necessecary to make this possible.