published September 17, 2012

Hiring Candidates in the Post Modern Economy? Look For These Crucial Skills

Careful selection of candidates in modern economyHowever, the typical process of hiring often overlooks the concept of being “street-smart” and generally goes by the textbook. Today scores of workers, by conventional or text book knowledge, who are coined as smart are failing to deliver. Today's knowledge economy demands skills based recruiting involving really smart workers rather than just workers who can clear a routine questionnaire and get their foot into the door.

The spotlight is on street smart candidates who know better than their counterparts and have the passion to create improvised solutions in a hyper-competitive market environment. These skills are typically displayed in many workers in growing environments around the world. HR communities from these countries believe that the US companies should inculcate vital competencies in their workforce if they need to regain their lost place in the world economy:

Look for candidates who can beat adversity

To begin with, candidates who seek jobs in today's environments need to be tough and hard wearing enough to face adversity. This is due to the increasingly complex business environment that throws a varied myriad of challenges at companies and organizations. Hence, while recruiting it is always advisable to ask candidates if they had turned an adversity to their advantage and grown with it rather than taking it as a risk or a barrier.

Look for candidates who are comfortable being prudent and penny wise

HR managers need to be smart enough to look for signs of prudence in a candidate. Just boasting of big degrees won't do. Especially in a world that is growing short on various critical resources such as water and energy, can candidates do well in a manufacturing or production environment that demands survival and continued existence for less?

Is the candidate flexible?

Can the candidate work as a flexible component and think unconventionally if required? This will require candidates to quickly respond to changing circumstances and experiment with newer methods of achieving their mission critical goals.

Can the candidate keep things simple?

A number of workers are known to complicate things to ensure their own survival. The potential worker needs to redefine the work environment and keep it simple enough to allow an air of accessibility and openness.

Is the candidate open to sympathy and compassion?

In the bygone days, the US had a large middle class and significant income propensity. However, many citizens are now becoming more and more marginalized and lower-income customers are on the increase. Many companies now want to cater to these marginalized customers and accommodate them in their business models and marketing strategies. HR teams should understand that managers need to be empathetic to understand the needs of such marginalized customers.

Is the candidate passionate enough?

Today's complex situations aren't just pursued by the mind; they require the heart's support. Look for empathetic candidates who can put in the courage and willingness to take further risks as in they are pursuing a higher cause in their lives. Ensure that the candidate follows the heart rather than just the mind.

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