published September 15, 2017

By David Dorion

Creating a Positive Image of Your Brand

Creating a Positive Image of Your Brand

In this day and age of recruitment, recruiters and hiring managers understand the value of brands, as do in many cases applicants and highly regarded candidates. This should lead you to consider the image your brand gives as a hands-on business recruiting service.
How to Effectively Use Email Auto-Responders without Being Annoying

Let’s face it: Auto-responding email can be very annoying. This article provides tips that can make your auto-response emailing system less disingenuous and irritating.
Go here to read the full article.
The 5 Things Talent Acquisition Should Be

The work place is evolving, and talent acquisition needs to evolve right along with it. Check out this article for some ideas that reflect the direction talent acquisition needs to go now and in the future.
Go here to read the full article.
Don’t Cold Call: 8 Things to Do Instead

Many recruiters realize cold calling is a thing of a past. This article offers suggestions for recruiters to do instead to make their efforts more effective than annoying cold calls.
Go here to read the full article.
Why You Should Care About Career Adaptability

Find out why recruiters need to consider their recruits’ career adaptability to ensure that they are properly placed in the correct job that reflects their skill level.
Go here to read the full article.

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