published May 15, 2018

By David Dorion

Limiting Your Employee’s Internet Access

Limiting Your Employee’s Internet Access

There’s little doubt that the internet is a valuable asset to any employer as well as employee. But how can you, as an employer, be sure your employees are utilizing the internet in the correct fashion? Check out these articles for insight into how the internet should and should not be used at work.
How to Keep Employees from Surfing the Internet

This article discusses how establishing a policy is one of the best ways to mitigate employee internet use in the workplace.
Go here to read the full article.
6 Ways to Prevent Employees from Internet Distraction

This article presents six ways in which managers can dissuade employees from letting the internet interfere with their work.
Go here to read the full article.
How Can I Restrict Internet Access at Work?

As we all know, the internet can be a huge distraction at work. This article explains how you can restrict access to prevent a slowdown or stoppage of work production due to the internet.
Go here to read the full article.
Employee Internet Management: Now an HR Issue

This article explains what can occur when HR becomes involved in employee internet issues.
Go here to read the full article.

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