Employer Articles

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How Do You Spot Group Training Needs?

The priorities attached to tasks in job descriptions will indicate to workers what they should attend to and what might be left to slide until the next day if everything cannot be done. Gaining an understanding of the time demands and priorities of tasks can help the worker learn to allocate time properly across the numerous areas that demand attention.

6 Ways to Orient New Employees with the Job Description

For self-development through job description preparation perhaps the greatest use of all for that lies in the learning that comes from its preparation. Asking employees to analyze their own jobs, and to formulate a detailed profile of what they themselves think should go on in those jobs.

Can Job Descriptions Help Control the Quality of Your Staffing Efforts?

A job description should identify the high-priority and most time-consuming task dimensions. These are the areas for which employee training is most important and for which training generally has the largest payoff.

Can Job Descriptions Offer a Simulation of the Real Job?

The job description allows for building a center that is a good simulation of the real job. For promoting self-screening by candidates Not only should organizations attempt to compare candidates for a job, but also candidates should have an opportunity to assess their own compatibility with the organization.

How Do You Maximize Efficiency by Clustering Jobs?

A good job description suggests much about the physical and social environments of the job, the types of intrinsic rewards one will experience on the job, formal authority linkages to other positions, task ambiguity, task randomness, and so on.

Will Clarifying Job Expectations Motivate Your Employees?

Task time percentages in the job description will give the analyst insight into what percentage of the work can be put on a reward-for-performance basis. This will help determine how large the rewards should be.

Design Strategies for Your Next Job Description

Objective measurement of performance along all task dimensions is usually not possible or practical but the tasks that do lend themselves to performance measurement can be selected out and a contingent reward system can be built around these.

The 5 Major Management Uses for the Job Description

Summary: There are many ways in which certain jobs may be similar and, therefore, many ways that jobs might be grouped. Job descriptions allow management to depict precisely relevant similarities and alternative modes for grouping.

How Can Job Descriptions Influence the Design of Your Organization?

The job description does not focus on describing the informal work, social, political, and other relations and behaviors with which workers typically are involved. Its emphasis is on planned, formalized, and anticipated work roles and behaviors. The informal structures and processes that emerge spontaneously in any organizational setting may be elaborately described with appropriate socio-metric techniques, but the job description is not the place for this material.

6 Effective Ways to Spot Labor Pooling Opportunities

Looking at job descriptions will allow one to identify similar jobs and, thus, employees with similar interests, skills, time constraints, physical work locations, and such. Job description will suggest who might be drawn to serve in permanent or temporary labor pools. In labor pools, all workers work together processing a particular category of tasks. The employees distribute tasks among themselves such that work loads are generally balanced and such that given tasks are allocated to those best qualified to do them. If it discovered from job descriptions, for example, that a number of secretaries in the organization perform essentially the same kinds of duties, it may be wise to move these secretaries into one physical space to process the work of many different managers. With a pooled rather than department arrangement, fewer employees will actually be required to get out a given volume of work.

Job Descriptions for Determining Proper Spans of Control

If the job descriptions in a manager’s domain show that jobs are significantly different from each other, it is likely the number of jobs the manager should supervise is relatively small. If, on the other hand, job descriptions show jobs to be considerably alike--similar kinds of work requiring similar skills--it is likely the manager should supervise many of them.

An Attachment to the Position

Becoming attached to a position can happen when staffing for certain positions cannot be found, or when workers are out sick or on vacation. One employee may have to cover other positions while performing his or her own regular job, but the employee's job does not change during this effort. The job stays the same. It is just that now the employee has other jobs to fill in addition to their regular duties. Separate job descriptions should exist for each different position the employee covers.

Job Descriptions: Their Nature and Importance

Summary: Job descriptions must never become simple written reflections of whatever employees actually do. They define a pattern of behavior expectations.

Your Job Listing Is Being Ignored for These 5 Reasons

Summary: Learn why your job listing is most likely being ignored in this article.

10 Reasons Aggregators May Be Ignoring Your Jobs

Summary: Posting your job listing to job aggregators is the easy part – making sure it appears where you want it to takes more work.

13 Do’s and Don’ts That Will Maximize the Effectiveness of Your Job Titles

Summary: Learn how to write the best job titles possible to maximize the chances of qualified candidates finding your jobs.

7 Ways You Can Create a Great Job Description

Summary: To attract the right job candidates, you need the right job description. Here are some tips on creating a strong job description that delineates exactly what your company is looking for.

How to Make Your Job Postings Seem Exciting

Summary: Find out what key elements can make your job postings more successful by making them more exciting to job seekers.

4 Ways to Write Effective Job Postings That Attract Perfect Candidates

Summary: Writing an effective job posting online is an important part of the hiring process. A well-written job posting can save you time and money.

Proper Formatting of Job Postings

Not only is having the right content and details important in a good job posting, but formatting of that job posting is also essential. This is beneficial to the job seeker in multiple ways. It helps them focus on the content, without skimming through long paragraphs and missing pertinent information. Another benefit is that it is simply easier to read and find all the information they need to absorb. Here are tips for proper formatting of your job postings.

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